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Food delivery and more

Groceries, shops, pharmacies, anything!

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Top restaurants and more in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Slatko i Slano Malta

Slatko i Slano Malta

Pizzeria Wisa Marijin Dvor

Pizzeria Wisa Marijin Dvor

Burger Bar Vanni

Burger Bar Vanni

Burger Bar

Burger Bar



Ćevabdžinica "Zmaj" stanica

Ćevabdžinica "Zmaj" stanica

Fine Food Festival

Fine Food Festival



Anything delivered

Your city's top restaurants

With a great variety of restaurants you can order your favourite food or explore new restaurants nearby!

Fast delivery

Like a flash! Order or send anything in your city and receive it in minutes

Groceries delivery & more

Find anything you need! From supermarkets to shops, pharmacies to florists — if it's in your city order it and receive it.

Download the app

Order anything and track it in real time with the Glovo app.

Let’s do it together

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Become a rider

Enjoy flexibility, freedom and competitive earnings by delivering through Glovo.
Become a partner

Become a partner

Grow with Glovo! Our technology and user base can help you boost sales and unlock new opportunities!


Ready for an exciting new challenge? If you’re ambitious, humble, and love working with others, then we want to hear from you!