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Food Court

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Breakfast Club

Pancake Breakfast
Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs and chicken sausages with maple syrup
8400,00 €
French Toast Breakfast
French Toast, Scrambled Eggs and chicken sausages with maple syrup
8400,00 €
Full Lagos yam breakfast with egg sauce (boiled)
Boiled Yam Served With Nigerian Egg Sauce.
7000,00 €
Full Lagos plantain breakfast with egg sauce (fried)
Fried Plantain Served With Nigerian Egg Sauce.
7000,00 €
Classic BLT
BLT Sandwich With Crispy Bacon, Fresh Lettuce and Tomatoes.
5500,00 €
Classic Club Sandwich
Classic Loaded Club Sandwich
4500,00 €

Jollof Co

Smokey Jollof Rice and Peppered Turkey
Party Style Smokey Jollof Rice, Served With Peppered Turkey Wing.
10.000,00 €
Smokey Jollof Rice and Stewed Fried Chicken and Plantain
Party Style Smokey Jollof Rice, Served With Stewed Fried Chicken & Plantain.
8600,00 €
Original fried rice with stewed fried chicken
Classic, Original & Rich Naija Fried Rice, Served With Stewed Fried Chicken.
7500,00 €
Asun Pasta
Spicy Penne Pasta topped with Smoked Asun sauce
7500,00 €
Jollof Spaghetti and Stewed Fried Chicken
Tomato Sauced Jollof Spaghetti Served With Stewed Fried Chicken.
7200,00 €
Village Rice with Stewed Beef
Naija Style Rice With its of beef, fish & kpomo, Served with Stewed Fried Beef.
7000,00 €
White Rice and Pepper Stew Special
Peppered Stew with White rice in Banana Leaf
5950,00 €
Chicken Stir-Fry Spaghetti
Stir fry spaghetti with chicken strips and chopped carrots
5200,00 €

Good Greens

Smoked Turkey Wrap
Smoked turkey, with Avocado and Hummus in a wrap
11.000,00 €
Berry Blast Parfait
Greek Yoghurt, Granola, Green grapes, mixed berries and raisons
8400,00 €
Signature Caesar salad with chicken
Mixed Leafy Greens, Tomatoes, Grapes, & Feta Cheese With Chicken, Served With Classic Vinaigrette Dressing.
7800,00 €
Classic Nigerian Salad
Chiffonade Cabbage, Lettuce and Carrots topped with a beans, peas and sweet corn
7200,00 €
Avocado and smoked turkey salad with garlic croutons
Mixed Leafy Greens, Avocado, Smoked Turkey, Pear, Raisins And Radish Served With Classic Vinaigrette Dressing.
6300,00 €
Tropical Fruit Cup
Red grapes, watermelon, pineapple, and Tangerine
6000,00 €
Grilled Chicken Salad with Classic Vinaigrette
Mixed Vegetables, Tomatoes, Peas And Grilled Chicken Served With Classic Vinaigrette Dressing.
5500,00 €

Wrap City

Classic Chicken shawarma with sausage
Chicken Shawarma With 1 Chicken Sausage.
8500,00 €
Classic chicken shawarma without sausage
Chicken Shawarma With 1 Chicken Sausage.
8300,00 €
Classic Mixed Shawarma with sausage
Grilled Beef Suya, Chicken Suya & Sausage Shawarma With 1 Chicken Sausage.
6500,00 €
Suya Chicken shawarma with sausage
Medium Spicy Chicken Suya Shawarma with 1 Chicken Sausage.
6500,00 €
Classic Mixed Shawarma without sausage
Mixed Grilled Beef Suya & Chicken Suya Shawarma Without Sausage.
6300,00 €
Suya Chicken shawarma without sausage
Medium Spicy Chicken Suya Shawarma Without Sausage.
6300,00 €
Suya Beef Shawarma with sausage
Medium Spicy Beef Shawarma With Grilled Beef Suya, Sausage, With 1 Chicken Sausage.
5500,00 €
Suya Beef Shawarma without sausage
Medium Spicy Beef Shawarma With Grilled Beef Suya, Sausage, Without Sausage.
5300,00 €

Chow Asian

Special Fried Rice
Fully Loaded Fried Rice With Bits Of Chicken, Shrimp, Shredded Beef, Sausages & Mixed Veg.
7500,00 €
Special Chow Mein Noodles
Loaded chow mein noodles with chicken, shrimps, shredded beef, sausage and mixed veg
7500,00 €
Special Singapore Noodles
Loaded singapore noodles with chicken, shrimps, shredded beef, egg, sausage and mixed veg
7200,00 €
Shrimp Fried Rice
Fried Rice With Stir-fried Shrimp & Mixed Veggies.
6500,00 €
Chicken Fried Rice
Fried Rice With Diced Chicken Bits & Mixed Veggies.
5500,00 €
Prawn Mayo Spring Roll
Crispy Deep Fried Spring Rolls Stuffed With Prawns & Mayonnaise.
5500,00 €
Chicken in Green Pepper Sauce
Green Pepper Sauce With Sliced Chicken Bits.
4000,00 €
Chicken in Sweet Chilli Sauce
Sweet Chilli Sauce With Sliced Fried Chicken Bits.
4000,00 €
Chicken Spring Roll
Crispy Deep Fried Chicken Spring Rolls.
2300,00 €
500,00 €

Red Pepper

Southern Platter
A Platter of Whole Smoked Mackreal, Peppered Snail, Roasted Plantain, Sweet Potatoes and Corn with Bole sauce & Peanuts
16.500,00 €
Smoked Turkey Pasta Bowl
Tomato Sauced Penne Pasta Served With Chunks Of Smoked Turkey.
9500,00 €
Saucy Asaro
Saucy yam porridge with spicy goatmeat sauce and plantain
8640,00 €
Asun Rice Bowl and Grilled Chicken
Stir-Fry Rice Topped with Spicy Asun, Plantain And Grilled Chicken.
7500,00 €
Yaji spicy rice bowl and chicken Suya
Spicy Yaji Flavoured Rice, With Chunks of Beef Suya. Comes With Chicken Suya.
7500,00 €
Owambe party mix and Grilled chicken
Party Jollof Rice, Fried Rice, Grilled Chicken and Coleslaw.
6500,00 €
Rice and Beans Special
Plain white rice and beans with our signature stew with beef
6300,00 €
Native Spaghetti
Spagetti with meat and fish chunks drizzled in red oil
6000,00 €
Iya basira rice bowl
Bukka Style Sauce With Beef, Kpomo, Boiled Egg and Fried Plantain, Served With White Rice.
5500,00 €

Fresh Press

Coconut and Pineapple juice
Coconut and Pineapple juice
5500,00 €
Carrot, Watermelon, & Pineapple
Fresh Press of Carrot, Watermelon, & Pineapple
5500,00 €
Kale, Apple, Pineapple & Celery
Fresh Press of Kale, Apple, Pineapple & Celery
5500,00 €
Cucumber, Pineapple & Apple
Fresh Squeeze of Cucumber, Pineapple & Apple
5500,00 €
Orange & Pineapple
Cold Pressed Orange & Pineapple
4000,00 €
Beetroot, Watermelon, Pineapple & Ginger
Cold Pressed Beetroot, Watermelon, Pineapple & Ginger
4000,00 €
Pineapple & Ginger
Cold Pressed Pineapple & Ginger
4000,00 €
Hibiscus flower juice, Pineapple & Pineapple peel
4000,00 €
Tigernut Milk
Fresh Press of Tigernut milk, Cococnut & Clove
3500,00 €

Cocktail Club

Stir of Love
50ml Of Vodka, Triple Sec, Lemon Juice, Strawberry, Orange Zest Syrup
8000,00 €
⁠Tasty Sip
350ml Of Tequila, Cucumber, Lemon Juice, Passion fruit
8000,00 €
Whiskey Sour
350ml Of Whiskey, Lime Juice, Zest Syrup, Aromatic bitters
7000,00 €
Pornstar Martini
350ml Of Sprite, Fanta, Fresh Orange Juice, Grenadine Syrup, Bitters
7000,00 €
Long Island Iced Tea
350ml Of Vodka, Gin, Rum, Tequila, Triple Sec, Lime Juice, Coca-Cola
7000,00 €
Pitakwa Cocktail
A fresh blend of bitters, orange and Lemon with a dash of mint
6200,00 €
Virgin Colada
350ml Of Pineapple Juice, Coconut Syrup, Whipping Cream
4500,00 €
Ginger Ale
350ml Of Fresh Ginger Juice, Lemon Juice, Syrup
4000,00 €
350ml Of Sprite, Fanta, Orange Juice, Grenadine, Bitters
4000,00 €

Zure eskaera

Maiz egiten diren galderak

Zer eska dezaket Food Court dendan Barcelona aldean?
Food Court dendak era askotako produktuak eskaintzen ditu eskatzeko. Eman begiratu bat produktuen zerrendari eta aukeratu zer eskatu nahi duzun Food Court dendan.
Zenbat kostatzen da Barcelona aldean Food Court dendak etxera banatzea?
Barcelona aldean Food Court dendak etxera banatzea zenbat kostatzen den jakiteko, ikusi banaketa-tarifa orriaren goialdean. Eskaera egin aurretik kostuen laburpenean ere ikusiko duzu.
Badago Food Court dendarako promoziorik Glovo-n?
Bilatu beti produktu deskontudunak eta eskaintza bereziak; horiz markatuta agertzen dira. Batzuetan, eskaintza bereziak ikusiko dituzu; adibidez, eraman 2 eta ordaindu 1, edo deskontua banaketan!
Eskuragarri dago Food Court Prime-n?
Ez. Prime Glovo-ren harpidetza-programa da, eta gure bazkideetako batzuengandik banaketa guztiak doan jasotzeko eta beste abantaila batzuez gozatzeko aukera ematen du.
Noiz eska dezaket Food Court dendan etxera banatzeko?
Food Court’s dendaren lanorduetan, edozein unetan egin ditzakezu eskaerak. Banaketa bizkorrari esker, minutu batzuen buruan jasoko duzu zure glovo-a! Eskaera etxean jasotzeko ordurik egokienerako programatu ¡ere egin dezakezu, ordu horretan denda itxita egon arren.