Grilled fillet steak with two eggs, your choice of Chips or Homfries, toast & salsa
990,00 €
Full Java B/fast
Two eggs and two slices of bread served with your choice of chips or homefries, baked beans & your choice of bacon, ham or sausage
900,00 €
Java Hearty Ssg
900,00 €
FJ Coffee - Sgl Hse Coffee
Two eggs, two slices of bread, your choice of chips or homefries, baked beans & your choice of bacon, ham or sausage Served with your choice of single house coffee
900,00 €
FJ Tea - Sgl Reg Tea
Two eggs, two slices of bread, your choice of chips or homefries, baked beans & your choice of bacon, ham or sausage Served with your choice of tea
900,00 €
FJ n Juice - Sm Orange Juice
Two eggs, two slices of bread, your choice of chips or homefries, baked beans & your choice of bacon, ham or sausage Served with your choice of glass of fresh juice
900,00 €
FJ n Juice - Sm Mango Juice
Two eggs, two slices of bread, your choice of chips or homefries, baked beans & your choice of bacon, ham or sausage Served with your choice of glass of fresh juice
900,00 €
FJ n Juice - Sm Passion Juice
Two eggs, two slices of bread, your choice of chips or homefries, baked beans & your choice of bacon, ham or sausage Served with your choice of glass of fresh juice
900,00 €
FJ n Juice - Sm Pineapple
Two eggs, two slices of bread, your choice of chips or homefries, baked beans & your choice of bacon, ham or sausage Served with your choice of glass of fresh juice
900,00 €
FJ n Juice - Sm Minty Pineade
Two eggs, two slices of bread, your choice of chips or homefries, baked beans & your choice of bacon, ham or sausage Served with your choice of glass of fresh juice
900,00 €
FJ n Juice - Sm Tropical Mix
Two eggs, two slices of bread, your choice of chips or homefries, baked beans & your choice of bacon, ham or sausage Served with your choice of glass of fresh juice
900,00 €
FJ n Juice - Sm St Lemonade
Two eggs, two slices of bread, your choice of chips or homefries, baked beans & your choice of bacon, ham or sausage Served with your choice of glass of fresh juice
900,00 €
FJ n Juice - Sm Clas Lemonade
Two eggs, two slices of bread, your choice of chips or homefries, baked beans & your choice of bacon, ham or sausage Served with your choice of glass of fresh juice
900,00 €
FJ n Juice - Sm T/Tom Lemonad
Two eggs, two slices of bread, your choice of chips or homefries, baked beans & your choice of bacon, ham or sausage Served with your choice of glass of fresh juice
900,00 €
FJ n Juice - Sm Watermelonade
Two eggs, two slices of bread, your choice of chips or homefries, baked beans & your choice of bacon, ham or sausage Served with your choice of glass of fresh juice
900,00 €
FJ n Juice - Sm Tamarind Juic
Two eggs, two slices of bread, your choice of chips or homefries, baked beans & your choice of bacon, ham or sausage Served with your choice of glass of fresh juice
900,00 €
FJ n Juice - Sm Beet Rt Punch
Two eggs, two slices of bread, your choice of chips or homefries, baked beans & your choice of bacon, ham or sausage Served with your choice of glass of fresh juice
900,00 €
B/F SW Combo
Choice of croissant, white or wholemeal bread, Egg and cheese sandwich with bacon, ham or sausage served with your choice of chips or homefries and fruit salad.
830,00 €
Eg Ssg Croisant
Two eggs and sausage served with a Croissant
650,00 €
Java Breakfast
550,00 €
Homemade Granola
Full Homemade Granola served with milk or yoghurt and choice of honey or stawberries
530,00 €
Oatmeal Full
Hot Oat Meal Porridge served with Almonds Raisins & Brown Sugar
470,00 €
1/2 HMde Grnl
Half Homemade Granola served with milk or yoghurt and choice of honey or stawberries
270,00 €
Oatmeal Half
Half Hot Oat Meal Porridge
230,00 €
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Zer eska dezaket Java House dendan Barcelona aldean?
Java House dendak era askotako produktuak eskaintzen ditu eskatzeko. Eman begiratu bat produktuen zerrendari eta aukeratu zer eskatu nahi duzun Java House dendan.
Zenbat kostatzen da Barcelona aldean Java House dendak etxera banatzea?
Barcelona aldean Java House dendak etxera banatzea zenbat kostatzen den jakiteko, ikusi banaketa-tarifa orriaren goialdean. Eskaera egin aurretik kostuen laburpenean ere ikusiko duzu.
Zenbat denbora behar da Barcelona aldean Java House dendan egindako eskaera jasotzeko?
Helbidea gehitu ondoren, zure eremuko denda bakoitzak eskaera etxera banatzeko zenbat denbora behar duen ikusi ahal izango duzu. Ordaintzeko orrian ere ikus dezakezu gutxi gorabehera zenbat denbora beharko den Java House dendan egindako eskaera banatzeko.
Badago eskaera egiteko gutxieneko zenbatekorik Java House dendan?
Java House dendan, eskaera egiteko gutxieneko zenbatekoa dago. Baina ez kezkatu: zenbatekora iristen ez bazara, tarifa gehigarri bat ordaindu beharko du, baina berdin-berdin jasoko duzu glovo-a!
Eska al ditzaket produktuak Java House dendan beste norbaitentzat?
Bai, noski! Erraz bidal diezazkiokezu produktuak Java House dendatik beste norbaiti, edo opari gisa helarazi. Besterik gabe, idatzi Barcelona aldeko entrega-helbide egokia. Eskaera berretsi aurretik, jasoko duen pertsonarekin harremanetan jartzeko xehetasunak gehitu ahal izango dituzu. Aukerako iruzkin bat ere gehi dezakezu banatzaileari eskaera opari bat izango dela jakinarazteko.