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Temple bsas

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Glovo Prime
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Doble bacón burger
289,25 €
Temple burger
247,94 €
Bacon burger
239,67 €
Blue burger
223,14 €
Craft burger
223,14 €
Chicken sandwich
190,08 €
Pulled pork
190,08 €
Classic burger
190,08 €
Chilli burger
170,25 €
Carrot burger
165,29 €

Empanadas y bastones

12 empanadas
611,57 €
6 empanadas
305,78 €
Bastones de mozzarella rebozados con avena
157,03 €
Empanada de carne
53,72 €
Empanada de mozzarella, queso azul y cebolla caramelizada
45,45 €

Roll y pollo

Roll de portobellos
214,87 €
Roll de pollo y rúcula
198,35 €
Pollo rebozado al curry
157,03 €


Temple veggie
247,94 €
Craft veggie
223,14 €
Blue veggie
223,14 €
Chilli veggie
214,87 €
Classic veggie
190,08 €


Pizza jamón y morrones (6 porciones)
239,67 €
Pizza de rúcula y parmesano chica
239,67 €
Pizza napolitana (6 porciones)
206,61 €
Pizza mozzarella (6 porciones)
198,35 €


Antigua Red ale sin tacc
115,70 €
Antigua Golden ale sin tacc
115,70 €
Wolf ipa (lata)
107,44 €
Cerveza Belgian blonde (lata)
107,44 €
Cerveza golden (lata)
107,44 €
Cerveza Honey (lata)
107,44 €
Pepsi black
66,12 €
Seven up
66,12 €
Paso de los Toros tónica
66,12 €
Paso de los Toros pomelo
66,12 €
66,12 €
Agua mineral con gas
66,12 €


Көп берилген суроолор

Is there a minimum order value at Temple bsas?
There is a minimum order quantity at Temple bsas. But don’t worry - if you don’t reach you will only have to pay an additional fee, but your glovo will be delivered to you anyways!